They will appear grayed out until the sync is complete. When transferring Note Sets to Live, the Sets will now be visible in the Cloud label in Live’s browser.

After signing out of Cloud in Live, the Manage Cloud tab of the User Account no longer shows an active session A loading icon is now displayed next to the Cloud label when syncing Sets The Cloud Sign In button has been expanded to fit translated texts In the Cloud tab of Live’s browser, the Date Modified column now appears as Cloud Modified Scale Mode is toggled with the Scale button in the Clip panel of the Clip View for MIDI clips. Opening a Note Set in Live where the Set has the In Key setting switched on will now activate each clip's Scale Mode (except in tracks containing Drum Racks).

When Live's transport is stopped, Capture MIDI now requires a slightly longer gap to detect new phrases More material will be kept by Capture MIDI when the transport is playing

A sequence of Capture MIDI attempts will not be biased by the tempo of previous captured clips