Try to find a server as close as possible to the physical location of the computer you are using. Of course, you can change the country of connection by yourself, but be prepared for the pages to load very slowly. This helps to reduce data transfer time slightly. In order to make the loss of speed less obvious, the program can automatically detect the nearest server to you.

When using Psiphon you will lose a lot of speed in surfing, but you will become anonymous in the network and will be able to visit absolutely any web resources. In order to make surfing safe, the developers have provided support for SSH and SSH+ protocols in the program. This is a really handy program that connects to the server in one click, keeps detailed reports on the work and, importantly, is completely free. In fact, this is a VPN client that helps the user to work with web services that are blocked in his country. Psiphon is a program that is positioned by developers as a means of circumventing network censorship.